This documentation is for developers who are making scripts for VORP Core Framework
GetCore is a shared export that returns the core table containing all the getters and setters for VORP Core.
some of the getters and setters are client side only and some are server side only.
The core table containing all the getters and setters.
notifications can also accept -1 as duration to always stay on screen and to clear them you need to use UiFeedClearChannel
The title of the notification
The subtitle of the notification
The dictionary for the icon
Color of the notification
The title of the notification
The title of the notification
The subtitle of the notification
The dictionary for the icon
Color of the notification
The title of the notification
The title of the notification
The title of the notification
The title of the notification
The subtitle of the notification
The title of the notification
The dictionary for the icon
Color of the notification
The title of the notification
The title of the notification
The title of the notification
The subtitle of the notification
The title of the notification
The title of the notification
The subtitle of the notification
The title of the notification
The subtitle of the notification
The title of the notification
The subtitle of the notification
The dictionary for the icon
Color of the notification
Get the character data to access getters and setters
The unique identifier of the character
The unique character identifier
The group the character belongs to
The job grade of the character
The job label of the character
The amount of money the character has
The amount of gold the character has
The amount of rol the character has
The amount of experience points the character has
The first name of the character
The last name of the character
The status of the character
The coordinates of the character
Whether the character is dead or not
The skin details of the character
The component details of the character
The component tints of the character
The gender of the character
The description of the character
The nickname of the character
The inventory capacity of the character
The skills of the character
Get the user data to access getters and setters
The user group (not character group)
The user’s source (player ID)
The identifier of the whitelist entry
The description of the webhook
The footerlogo of the webhook
The avatar of the webhook
to add a players to different instances use his server id + instance number
to add players to same instance use only the instanceNumber
remove players from instance
Available through core export
Server Side
when using these functions you will benefit of the event listeners OnPlayerDeath
Callbacks are available through core export or single exports
if you need only the call back system
trigger a synchronous callback from client to server
The parameters to pass to the callback
The result of the callback
trigger an asynchronous callback from client to server
The parameters to pass to the callback
The result of the callback
register a callback on the server to receive a client callback
The source of the callback
The parameters to pass to the callback
The result of the callback
Event Listeners to detect changes in the player state
when player job and group changes these events are triggered
when player dies this event is triggered
when player is revived through VORP Core export this event will trigger
when player respawns through VORP Core export this event will trigger
when player is healed through VORP Core export this event will trigger
call dataview in your script fxmanifest
easily get players count from client or server
statebag getters that allow you to get the character data
is player in session? this will return true when player choose his character
The IsInSession of the character
get the first name of the character
The first name of the character
get the last name of the character
The last name of the character
get the job of the character
get the job label of the character
The job label of the character
get the grade of the character
The grade of the character
get the group of the character
The group of the character
get the age of the character
get the gender of the character
The gender of the character
get the nickname of the character
The nickname of the character
get the character description of the character
The character description of the character
get the money of the character
The money of the character
get the gold of the character
The gold of the character
get the rol of the character
get the charid of the character
The charid of the character
Use vorp version check with change logs feature in your scripts
add this in your fxmanifest
example of a version.file