API Documentation
API Documentation
build an advanced input menu for your scripts
Client side
This function is used to create advanced input menu.
local myInput = {
type = "enableinput", -- don't touch
inputType = "input", -- input type
button = "Confirm", -- button name
placeholder = "NAME QUANTITY", -- placeholder name
style = "block", -- don't touch
attributes = {
inputHeader = "GIVE ITEM", -- header
type = "text", -- inputype text, number,date,textarea ETC
pattern = "[0-9]", -- only numbers "[0-9]" | for letters only "[A-Za-z]+"
title = "numbers only", -- if input doesnt match show this message
style = "border-radius: 10px; background-color: ; border:none;"-- style
local result = exports.vorp_inputs:advancedInput(myInput)
result = tonumber(result) -- convert result to a number
result = tostring(result) -- convert result to a string
if you want to split the result into two variables or more you can use this code
local result = "your result"
local splitString = {}
for i in string.gmatch(result, "%S+") do
splitString[#splitString + 1] = i
local data1, data2 = splitString[1],splitString[2]